Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Basement Rough In Plumbing

Went by the house this evening to see what they got done today and it looks like they have finished up the rough in plumbing for the house. Next up will be pouring the concrete for the basement floor.


  1. Hi! I saw the overall progress of your house framing. 12 days? That was pretty fast! I guess that's how it really is after the plumbing work is finished and they start putting up the walls! I hope it'll be the same for our home which is being currently built and the pipeworks being laid. So excited!

    Darryl Iorio

  2. How is your house now, Darryl? I think that we can learn a thing or two from Lisa’s post. Once the plumbing system is all done, the other aspects of the construction will fall into their proper places as well. [Althea Tumlin]

  3. It'll be a lot faster after the house’s frame is done Darryl. It’s the first few steps in building the house the are the toughest. After the walls are built and the electrical and plumbing systems are installed, it will be over before you know it. It gets easier at it goes on as painting the house is probably the easiest.

    Carmella Vancil
